Wed, 13:47: RT @ Impeach_D_Trump: The Donald Trump Doctrine: 'Obama built it. I broke it. You fix it'
Wed, 13:51: RT @ JediGigi: [1981] [couple riding in car] Her: Watch out for that frog! *splat* Him: Haha He should have looked before crossing. Wait-I h…
Wed, 13:56: RT @ sannewman: Just for a change, I'd like to see someone say, "I'm racist, but…" Like: "I'm racist, but that Tamir Rice shooting was obvio…
Wed, 17:16: RT @ timheidecker: We must force our NFL Players to sing Christmas Carols during halftime! #MAGA
Thu, 08:07: Is there anywhere I can promote my Oz writing? I know the fan-fiction forums are no more.
Thu, 08:25: I made sure to leave earlier than usual today, and the trains are running really slowly. Father Time must be messing with me.
Thu, 08:25: RT @ KrangTNelson: TRUMP: hello this is the president WIDOW: hello mr pr- TRUMP: I feel like I could have beaten your husband in an arm wr…
Thu, 08:30: RT @ katy_who: The Hulder (or Huldra) is a seductive & dangerous Norwegian forest spirit, beautiful except for her long, cow-like tail #Folk…
Thu, 08:32: RT @ MikeReissWriter: TAKE 2: TRUMP to GRIEVING WIDOW: You know your problem, lady? You see the coffin as half-empty. I see it as half-ful…
Thu, 08:46: RT @ Marmel: Trump seems REALLY upset this AM about the negative reaction to his disrespect for fallen soldiers. Well. He knew what he signe…