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Feb 15, 2022 18:23

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Dear Dr. vovaminkin

Journal of Osteology and Arthrology analyses the submitted articles on the novel research work from the researchers. These manuscripts will serve as useful resources for future work in the field of Osteology .

Your publication entitled "Lie algebroid cohomology and Lie algebroid extensions" is very educative and will be a great source for the scientific community.

The paper should be submitted to the editor for the peer review process through the below link: (далее прилагается линк)

As the journal is not funded by any funding resources we will charge the minimum publication fee (based on the economic standards of the country which is given by World Bank) to maintain its standards online

А вдруг когомологии и расширения алгеброидов Ли и впрямь-= лучшее лекарство от подагры? Много думал...

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