Момент аварии

Nov 05, 2016 00:09

В процессе поисков информации по предыдущему посту увидел эту драматическую фотографию. На ней запечатлен момент аварии флотского R4D - при взлете с ледника Davis Glacier 24-го ноября 1962-го года запустились только три из четырех ракет JATO и из-за несимметричной тяги самолет приобрел крен на левое крыло он зацепился крылом за землю. Пилот с умел предотвратить кувырканье самолета вовремя выключив двигатели, но удар отломил шасси и самолет проехал на фюзеляже до конца взлетной полосы. Самолет загорелся, но пожар бысто потушили. Экипажу повезло и все выжили. Разгрузив груз, экипаж поставил палатки что бы ждать другой самолет.

Вообще полеты в Антарктике в те годы были очень опасными, в коллекции фото откуда я нашел это фото есть куча разбитых самолетов разных видов.

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A Close Call

By 24 November 1962 the survey collecting programme had been completed, and over several hours an improvised airstrip, 800m long and 36m wide, had been made at the head of the Davis Glacier. Sastrugi had been knocked down using ice axes and the strip was marked with flags and cairns. The next day two flights were necessary to take out the toboggan party whom after a near ‘perfect JATO‘ returned to Scott Base.

It seems all may have not been well with the aircraft when it left with Wise and Ottway. Recalling the day 40 years later Keith Wise said the ‘aircraft took off with a crewman who was standing, looking out each side of the aircraft at both engines. He told the crew that all was OK which I found a little surprising, and there was perhaps some hesitation.’ Four of five hours later the aircraft was back, this time with writer Graham Billing, photographer Guy Mannering, cartographer Denys Rainey, climber Ian Cave, and the resupply of Hewson’s party, which by now was at the campsite with their dog team.

Again using JATO, the plane took off but stalled about 9m above the ground. The port wing dropped and dug into the snow, and the aircraft slew in that direction. To prevent the plane form cartwheeling, power was shut off immediately and with a terrific bump and bang the plane bounced up then slammed down on its belly, eventually slewing left 15m, to stop at the end of the runway close to Hewson’s camp. With the undercarriage ripped off, the aircraft finaly settled at right angles to the flight line.

Billing said ‘There was a split second of silence after we hit the deck. The flight engineer rushed from the cockpit yelling “Fire, Fire!” down the length of the plane and opened the after hatch.’

A dramatic photograph of the incident was taken by John Ricker, who then dropped his camera and ran to assist.

An hour later when the immediate fire danger had passed, the cargo was removed from the plane and a survival camp set up.

accidents, kodacrome, past in color, aircraft, crash, nz archives

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