Nov 18, 2007 21:41
meh ish sickie. it sucks big time. *sniff sniff* today i awoke to my parents calling me wanting me to meet them for breakfast in town. after that we went to columbus to pick up my grandma and take her with us to visit my other g-parents. once there, we ate ham, green beans, and bread. Mmmm. Ooo and coconut pie, then i passed out on the couch off and on for a few hours until we left. i felt bad because i wanted to help clean up and stuff..but i was sooo friggin' tired and sickie. my gram is now going through chemo again, and she was sick herself. i mean like, had a cold sick. so i realllly didn't want to give her my cold. -.- *sniff sniff* so currently i am drinking some chamomile tea and chilling to some zero 7.