(no subject)

Dec 20, 2009 20:12


A long life's rough highway I passed on my way,
Beside it fair sweet flowers grew,
I fain would have plucked them all, Duty said Nay,
Keep straight in the pathway am i true.

The hours were so lonely, the birds sang so sweet,
I would list to the music awhile:
But duty said "Forward, the way to complete,
No song may thy pathway beguile."

My limbs were so weary, my feet were so sore,
I would rest in the cool, leafy shade;
But Duty said "Onward, the goal lies before,
Nor rest thee in forest or glade."

So wearily forward did Duty lead on,
Uncheered by sweet bird, song or flower;
No rest by the wayside, no drink from the spring,
No dreaming in glade or in bower.

But over the steep, dusty road up the hill,
Stern Duty still pointed the way;
But the long journey gave me both courage and skill,
And my soul has grown strong in the fray.

~ Mrs Frances Allen.
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