goings on

May 06, 2006 17:22

Finals haven't killed me yet. I am very happy to report that I passed ochem and I won't have to deal with it again until the fall. I also turned in my stupid French paper, and I am done with that horrible class. Don't ever take french 330 if Szabari's teaching it. I'm doing some sort of alumni awards dinner gig this evening. Oh I did my very first Primal SCream gigs this week. During finals, we (the band) plays a little in front of one of the libraries at 10. Helps relieve some stress of finals. It just so happened that I hadn't had time the past three semesters to do those but it was fun.

So then I have two more finals....calc 2 on Monday and physics on Wednesday. I'm not really worried about either, as math comes rather easily to me and physics is mostly about thermodynamics. So yeah, I'm ready to be finished.

I hope everyone had such a lovely Cinco de Mayo as I did. Good food and good company are always appreciated.

Back to packing....ewww.
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