Feb 07, 2005 19:55
I came across this article in the Sunday Mail. It makes some very good points...and on a personal level some that I really identify with.
Peter Pan Generation
People under the age of 30 who live with their parents are emerging as the dominant generation, a leading social researcher says. AustraliaSCAN director David Chalke said the nation was undergoing a significant generational change that had created a period of "adultescence". Mr Chalke said the adultescent generation, defined as 18 to 30s, was "uncommitted", with many yet to reach the milestones of a mortgage, partner or child. "You only have to speak to human resource managers about the problems with retaining bright young graduates these days. They are very focused on money and not particularly interested in career paths and development. They are likely to up sticks and run if you don't meet their needs."
* No mortgage, no partner, no children.
* Living with parents.
* Fashion conscious, assertive, educated, interested in the world and ambitious.
* Materialism - mobile phones, Ipods, Internet.
* For leisure, they go to concerts, pubs and clubs, go for a drive, listen to music or go on the Internet.
* Deferred commitments
Mr Chalke said this new generation was quite likely (61%) to be living with their parents, and did not aspire to marriage. "They are self-absorbed and they do put self above others," he said. "they don't want a mortgage, marriage or children straight up -- or they don't want them at all. Mr Chalke said members of the adultescent generation described themselves as fashion concious, educated and ambitious -- but the stereotype of the hard-working Aussie battler did not apply.
He said their aspirations were more materialistic, such as wearing designer clothes, being famous, having a university degree or being recognised as experts in their field.