Jan 31, 2006 11:20
Somebody tried to rob Mervyns yesterday while I was at work. I'd been there for like 5 minutes when all-a-the sudden Kevin and Jeremy, our merchandise locate guys, bust out running through the mens department. They jumped the guy in the middle of the isle. let's just say my heart jumped in my throat and did the jig. Then the cops come running in and ask wich way he ran. I told them and they go running over. Whew! 2 or 3 minutes later they marchedc him through mens to the intirogation room we have in the back. Dramatic doesn't even come close. Two of my customers were freaking out running around saying that the guy tried to hold up the kids department. My manager walked around and tried to calm everyone down. Blah
So yeah I'm still sick, still can't stand my chemistry teacher, but hey, God's good. I'm going to eat a taco now. Adios Amigos.