
Jan 20, 2010 18:05

Allright, lots of crazy analysis of the Mass senate election last night. "Shot heard around the world", orly, Sen. McCain? But then, there is some level-headed analysis too, which is good.

A collection of my thoughts, in case I ever want to dig into threads on Facebook or elsewhere:

- This is not a "Republican Revolution". Newt and the gang thought 1994 was too. It is anti-incumbent rage, and does not make Dems worse or Reps better.

- That this is about "the people wanting to be heard" or a "grass roots movement" is a bit absurd. Fox News and the pharma-insurance complex have made it to be that to move their agenda. Whenever mention is made of "tea party", "we the people", or "citizens of America", it is usually scared, angry, old white Christians. That is not "the people". I cannot wrap my mind around the concept of "the people" speaking out *against* universal coverage.

- I am still waiting for more details on how Republicans/conservatives would reform health care. Or is American health care just fine? I'm sure some have a plan, but I believe some are just blocking legislation so that it doesn't pass while a Democrat is in office.

- If society were like this 50-60 years ago, we would not have Social Security or Medicare today. But then, Reagan did speak out against Social Security. Gubbermint stay outta my health care!

- I've come to the realization that Nancy Pelosi is troublesome and the Democratic party would be better without her. Fierce partisanship and the blind delusion that your agenda will pass no matter what is a relic of the Bush/Cheney administration. She's the Newt Gingrich of our time.
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