There is such phraseology among Russians: “All roads lead to Rome” (“Tutte vie conducano a Roma”). If we rely on the historical origin of the phrase, the meaning is very clear: every point, any territory should be connected with the capital of the empire. That is, everything is directed to the center.
By the way, in the technology of the Teachings, such a concept as a control center is often used.
In an interview for an Italian group in March 2020, Grigori Grabovoi, answering a question about the spread of coronavirus in Italy, said that this is due to the geographical factor in the first place. That is, from a geographical point of view, Italy is a kind of center for the rest of the countries, where many different interests intersect.
Since the center of the Catholic Church is located in the Vatican, we see that all roads again lead to Rome at the present time, and not only in past centuries.
Understanding the essence of what the Author of the Teachings said, we conclude that at the moment, all controls and all spiritual work should be aimed at one task, namely the task of neutralizing the virus 2019-nCoV.
How to solve this problem technologically, Grigori Grabovoi outlined in detail in technology February 28, 2020 and March 19, 2020.
Grabovoi G.P .: “The development of Spirit, Soul and Consciousness is the main goal of evolution, and therefore, humanity needs to make further progress in its spiritual development, concerning, first of all, mutual support and compassion, as well as in the development of technological systems that can quickly to prevent such situations",
Based on existing knowledge, as if walking on the stones of the ancient roads of the planet, we will surely overcome this epidemic.
An understanding of the phraseology “All roads lead to Rome” can be described, for example, as follows: no matter how we go towards the goal, these paths will certainly lead to the solution of the task. At this stage, the choice of road is the choice of technology: there are quick solutions, there are, as it were, other options that help achieve the goal of control.
As the Bible says, probably everyone should do their bit.
Antonina Kravtsova
Material used from here:
Intervista a Grigori Grabovoi - EDC