Feb 26, 2004 13:11
Nothing new to report really. School is going as usual. I dropped out of my Astronomy class because it sucks ass. The other classes are fine I just can't wait until my friends come back to school. I might not be so lonely all day at school. It really is lonely here with no friends. Still hunting down a job like so many of my other friends. Next week I will try the career center here. I didn't bring my resume today so no point in trying anything today. My boyfriend and I are doing fine. Though it can be dull at times because he isn't very dareing. Scared of SF, broke, likes quiet things. I feel restless myself. If I had a job to occupay my time like he does I might not mind the quiet so much. But with nothing to do but school and quiet time you know it gets old. I really don't have much to do. Just study and be alive. Four months we have been together. I just hope I'm still interested in his company by the end of the year. I love him to death so... guess I'll just bug him about the whole boerdom thing.
I hate the winter, it's so depressing. Christmas is the only good thing about it. Of course October 25 is going to be a big day next year if I'm still with James. One year, geez that will be a big thing for me seeing as how I can never stay commited long usually. Heres hoping....
Now to post on my Star Trek online RPG and to send a bio to another ship there and possibly study. I hate studying....