Jul 13, 2006 01:01
5 YEARS AG0...
How old were you? 14
Where did you go to school? Orchard View High School..well i think would of been the summer b4 highschool...i'll still never forget that summer that was the summer our new house was being done being built and s.b.
Where did you work? no place to young
Where did you live? Muskegon
Where did you hang out? friends houses...movies...beach...all the same places i do now mostly except my house way way more often and the movies more often and our parents drove us everywhere lol or we thought we were scandelous and hanging out with 19year old boys hahahaha i'll never forget that. 5 years ago started it all!
How was your hair style? shorter and blonde prob all blonde or maybe even red at a time
Did you wear braces? umm...it was prob a little over 5 years when i got my braces off
Did you wear glasses? nope
Who was your best friend(s)? Jilly&Sarah of course and also Elisia Amanda and Brittany
Who was your celebrity crush? idk prob eminem and linkinpark
Who was your regular-person crush? hmm..steven brown lol big kooi HAHAHHAHAHAHA omg crazy years.
How many tattoos did you have? none
How many piercings did you have? just ears
What car did you drive? um i was 14 so i didnt have a car
What was your favorite band/group? geeze idk remember probably destinys child or something lol and of course eminem and linkinpark and bsb and nsync lol
Had you smoked a cigarette yet?i have never smoked ewww
Had you gotten drunk or high yet? umm my first time drinking(getting drunk) was new years eve 9th grade so i prob maybe had a little to drink
Had you driven yet? yes
Had you been to a real party yet? yes lol scary back then
Had your heart broken? no i will never have my heart broken
July 2006
How old are you?19
What grade are you in? going into my 2nd year of college
Where do you go to school? mcc
Where do you work? wesco
Where do you live? muskegon for another year then kzoo ya better watch out
Where do you hang out? Work, School, My house somewhat still, Parties, Bars occassionally, Friends houses
How is your hair style ? long and brown with some blonde and darker brown highlights
Do you have braces? no
Do you wear glasses? no...but i look hot in them lol
Still talk to any of your old friends? the best ones yes
Who is your celebrity crush? i dont really have one johnny depp is always hott lol
and of course usher
Who is your regular-person crush? ha any 35 and under guy that comes in wesco in a uniform and single... actually this week its someone new but it wont last with how busy we both are. Vin and Robert are my two somewhat crushes i guess you could say
How many piercings do you have? still ears
How many tattoos? 2
What kind of car do you have? yuck im not even gonna tell u
What is your favorite singer/band/group?idk i like too many to have just one fav
Have you smoked a cigarette? nooooooooo
Have you gotten drunk or high yet? yes to many times!!