GURPS Infinity (April 2399; Thu 8 - Sun 11): Jurassic Planet (C002)

Jul 05, 2017 13:53


Hana, Gus, Ki’símí, and Peeps / [XP: 6]

All of the originals were present for this session.

Thursday, April 8th 2399 (Continued)

After Ki’símí filmed a quick ship tour, Kal took Hana swimsuit shopping; and everyone else tagged along as well. Though Hana tried to make it clear that she didn’t want the endeavor filmed; Ki’símí just couldn’t seem to wrap her head around the notion of anyone not wanting their every waking moment broadcast for all of humanity to see. Peeps only made things worse by reminding Hana that once something was out on the net, it was out on the net forever.

After shopping they went to the beach near Delfino Plaza, and it was there that they ran into an old acquaintance of Hana’s. Her name was Sara Heath, and she’d been the quintessential ‘queen bee’ bully type back at the Doctrine academy on Quantos. She was in the company of two other young women and another girl of around 12 years of apparent age; none of whom were ever identified.

“Oh, ho, ho; look who it is… little Hana”, she began with a condescending laugh. “She was at the same school as me; while I was mastering the element of fire, she was still playing around with her little air fart spells. She was also branching out into forcing animals to be friends with her, since no people wanted to be friends with her.”

“Everyone has room to grow”, Ki’símí cited as she sprang to her new friend’s defense. “It’s called ‘potential’.”

Sara just laughed. “Well, good; that means your comrade is just bursting with potential.” She then went on to boast that she and her three friends had formed a merc team called the Four Star Syndicate and that they’d managed to maintain a perfect 4.0 rating over a great number of contracts.

After Heath and her friends finally moved on, Hana ran off; clearly upset. While Peeps went to find her and bring her back, Kal excused himself and followed after the Four Star Syndicate.

Once Hana was back and calmed down; she, Ki’símí, and Gus had a little impromptu sandcastle-making contest (Peeps made himself a little wooden plaque declaring himself judge). Kal finally returned (looking quite pleased with himself), and Peeps handed the plaque off to him so that he could go take a nap. In the sand; Kal wrote a ‘10/10’ by Hana’s castle, ‘9.9/10’ by Ki’símí’s, and ‘meh’ by Gus’.

Ki’símí eventually asked Kal where he’d disappeared to; and he explained to her in brief that he’d caught up with Sara and completely ignored her while he flirted with her three friends. “She’d have never given me the time of day”, he added, “but she was still steaming mad that I was ignoring her.”

Voyage (April 8th - April 11th)

Late that night while everyone else was asleep, Ki’símí went searching the MOB boards for a job; and one which had been posted by the Ariadna Military caught her attention. They were offering a minimum of $20,000 for the job, but they needed a respondent who could get to Sargasso within 72 hours. It offered zero details beyond that, but Ki’símí assumed that that was probably for security reasons; not because the job was sketchy.

Prior to the discovery of alien ruins a little further out, Sargasso was one of humanity’s most significant finds during their expansion into the stars. The planet was host to a number of species which were nearly identical to dinosaurs of ancient Earth. Some touted this as proof of creationism while others chalked it up to parallel evolution, and many believed it to be proof of some kind of shenanigans by sapient non-humans. Whatever the case; in addition to dinosaurs, Sargasso was also the richest source of stardrive fuel in the Human Wedge.

Knowing that Hana liked dragons and figuring that dinosaurs were fairly close, she went ahead and accepted the job. She then got Kal up, who got the ship underway while everyone else slept.

When the PC’s got up the next morning, they were already in hyperspace (Hana was the first to notice, since mana flows less strongly in hyperspace). Ki’símí apologized for taking the job without consulting anyone, but nobody seemed the least bit bothered by it.

The PC’s also quickly noticed that they had no SphereNet access, and Kal explained that that was because they were traveling outside of the standard traffic lanes; which everyone knew was fundamentally dangerous. “Don’t worry”, he tried to assure everyone. “I was a covert drop ship pilot and then a smuggler; I’ve logged more flight time outside of traffic lanes than on them. At any rate, it was the only way that we were going to get there on time.”

During their boat chase in Ricco Harbor, Ki’símí had had to stow Mic under her seat because he couldn’t keep up with her jet ski. To help out with similar situations in the future, Gus spent most of the trip installing a pair of ‘landing talons’ onto the bot so that it could just grab onto her shoulders.

Sunday, April 11th 2399

The PC’s reached Sargasso at around 10:00 in the morning and were quickly able to get into contact with one Colonel Vasili Borodin aboard the military space station designated ‘Bedrock 1’. After thanking the PC’s for coming from so far so quickly, he launched into the briefing.

“On April 8th, a couple of our fighters intercepted a stealth ship which had entered the atmosphere without authorization. They ignored attempts at radio communication and instead attempted to evade, and our fighters shot their ship down.”

“Whoever was on board, they went out of their way to be sure that they could not be identified. The ship had no identifying markings, and someone set off a mag-pulse before they hit the ground; wiping out every single computer on board. There were eight people on the ship; none of whom survived. Judging by their clothing; they appeared to consist of 4 flight crew, 2 businesspeople, and 2 armsmen. They were all of Asian descent, and the default language on the instrumentation was Japanese.”

“Based on their flight vector at the time of intercept, they appeared to be heading towards a piece of land up in the temperate belt which was leased from us by Weyland Industries back in 2390. They built two facilities there. One was an aquarium where people could come safely view some of the local marine life. The other was a sort of ‘ranch’ where they were working with a few smaller herbivorous species to see if they could be agriculturally domesticated and adapted to temperate climates. After three years, the company lost interest and closed the facility; but they opted to retain their lease, which had been signed for 10 years.”

“And that is why we needed to hire outside help: legally speaking, we’re not permitted on the land. Also; everyone on this planet is either a soldier, a fuel mining worker, or an outdoorsman; we wouldn’t have the slightest idea what we were looking for. What we need you to do is go pay a visit to that facility and find out why eight Japanese people would risk their lives to pay a visit to that facility.”

When Hana asked about local fauna, the colonel assured her that there were practically no dinosaurs (and certainly no large carnivores) in the area as they preferred much warmer climes. The PC’s formally accepted the job, and Kal began his approach.

Kal began with a high-altitude flyover to get a basic look at the place. The main facility consisted of a large transparent dome with a tall transparent structure on the east side and a round opaque building on the west side. North of the round building was a long rectangular building.

There were rolling hills and wooden buildings to the east of the main facility, and it was surrounded by dense forests on the remaining sides. Some distance to the south-east was what appeared to be an tarmac; and though it was heavily overgrown with vegetation, it was the only place that Kal felt comfortable putting down.

Near the north end of the cracked and overgrown landing tarmac, the PC’s saw a sign indicating a frequency for an augmented reality feed; and surprisingly, it was still running and broadcasting. Glowing green arrows appeared on the asphalt before them and led them right to a ticketing booth.

The ticketing both was located next to a large pond / small lake which separated the tarmac from main facility. There was a monorail which ran just a few feet above the water, but there was no tram at the little platform next to the booth.

The ticketing booth was unlocked and the terminal inside was still logged into, though the boys discovered that a rather ill-tempered rodent of some description had nested inside the keyboard tray. Hana, however, was able to calm it down with a little magic.

Meanwhile, Ki’símí remained outside with her eyes on the pond; which she soon discovered was home to numerous carnivorous species. She never actually saw the pannoniasaurus which swam very close to the platform; but the AR feed made an arrow to it, drew an outline around its silhouette, and identified it.

The boys meanwhile were able to call the monorail tram, which arrived a few minutes later. They also found tourist maps of the facility, and noted that the rectangular building was not identified on them.

On the quick tram-ride, the PC’s saw a number of other interesting creatures; including a bale of alligator snapping turtles the size of Galapagos Island tortoises and an enormous Sarcosuchus which was sunning itself on a rock near the main facility. Ki’símí also briefly glimpsed what appeared to be some kind of assault rifle lying at the bottom of the pond.

The tram came to a stop at another platform at the bottom of a broad set of stone steps leading up to the 50’ transparent dome. When the PC’s reached the front door, it was immediately apparent that some shit had gone down.

The glass doors had been shot out; seemingly from the inside. Between the top of the stairs and the first few feet inside the doors, there were about half a dozen messy blood splatters which had now been reduced to nothing more than stains. Strewn all about were shredded remnants of clothing (probably some kind of uniform) along with some canteens, combat knives, assault rifles, and other gear. The equipment was robustly built but rather crude-looking; probably intended for intimidation factor. None of it had any manufacturer’s information and none of the PC’s recognized any of it as belonging to any nation or group which they were aware of.

Inside the dome; the lights were still on, AR information was still broadcasting, the fountains were still flowing, and muzak was still softly playing. Between the door and the aquarium entrance the PC’s found two more blood / equipment splatters. One of them was right next to a fountain; and at the bottom of the water surrounded by coins, the PC’s found a severed arm! Partially clad in a sleeve just like the shredded clothing nearby, the arm was muscular with red skin; clearly having belonged to a trans-human.

Four more splatter sites were located at the entrance to the main aquarium building, but these were very different. The clothing appeared to be nanoweave suits, and a close look at the equipment indicated that it was Yu-Jing in origin.

The main aquarium building was full of tanks, information placards and AR feeds, and artificial terrain; but not a single drop of water or living specimen. Weyland had obviously pulled the plug just before they started to bring actual animals in.

On the north side of the middle floor of the round building, the PC’s located an ‘employees only’ doorway which had been clearly been kicked / bashed through. This door led to an elevated ‘gerbil tube’ which ran to the 2nd floor of the three-story rectangular building to the north.

At the far end was a lift to the left and a stairwell to the right; the door into the latter having been bashed open just like the door into the tube. The PC’s decided to start on the top floor and work their way down.

The top floor was a lodging area, apparently for the facility employees. The floor was undisturbed apart from one room in which the PC’s found not one but two dead bodies. Rather than having been literally reduced to stains, these two were relatively intact; and though quite disgusting, they were at least identifiable.

The corpse in the doorway was unmistakably a transhuman of some kind; big and muscular with a simian-like face, silver hair, and red skin. His weapons, equipment, and scruffy uniform matched those which the PC’s had found previously; and his skin was the same color as the arm which they’d fished out of the fountain. This indicated two possibilities: these guys were trans-humans who all got the same mods, or they were actually a parahuman strain which none of the PC’s were familiar with. Regardless, this one had been stabbed numerous times and still had a large kitchen knife buried in his chest.

Over closer to the bed were the remains of a Japanese woman; probably in her 20’s. She was wearing a lab coat and appeared to have died of gunshot wounds (ether fired by a different person or by the one in the doorway before he’d succumbed to the knife wounds). The PC’s best guess was that the woman had ambushed and stabbed the trans-human but that he’d managed to shoot and kill her before he lost consciousness. Regardless; because of the climate control in the building (and a general lack of knowledge on the subject), the PC’s could only guess as to how long ago they’d died.

The 2nd floor was mostly devoted to recreational areas and included a lounge, kitchen, dining area, gym, and so forth. Though there were several places which had been disturbed as though there had been a struggle, the PC’s found only two additional shred-fests…

Both seemed to have been wearing work coveralls and tool belts. One had a big wrench off of his belt; the other a screwdriver.

The ground floor was clearly a combination of offices and laboratories. All of the computers were locked, but they all had Yutani-Corp logos on their screen-savers. Ki’símí knew a little bit about Yutani, and explained it to the others as best as she could.

Yutani-Corp had started up on Terachnos; a Yu-Jing planet with a heavy Japanese population. They started out doing little more than repackaging Chinese products for Japanese consumers; but as time went on, they steadily grew. The Dynasty apparently allowed this because the company colluded with them to keep the Japanese populace distracted and complacent. By the time popular opinion began to turn against the company, it had grown into a mega-corps of incredibly size; and it was said that Yu-Jing officials were growing concerned that they had created a monster.

None of the PC’s were skilled hackers, and none of them knew enough about science to even guess what the labs were set up for. The only other significant feature on the ground floor was a broad ramp which was located near the main entrance and led down into the basement.

Most of the basement was a single open space; except for the north-west portion, which was dominated by what appeared to be a large vault (the door of which was sitting open). Stretching from the vault to the ramp, the PC’s could count at least another thirteen bloodstain / clothing / equipment splatters. At least three of them were what the PC’s were now fairly certain had been intruders; the red-skinned transhumans armed with the big and clunky weapons. Two more looked like they might have been businesspeople; the rest had all be wearing lab coats.

Right next to the open vault door was an emergency weapons locker which contained four civilian-model dinosaur lasers with ten cells each. The vault was empty apart from some heating elements and monitoring equipment built into the ceiling, though there was a portcullis-style gate which led to a sort of sub-vault on the north side. Inside the sub-vault, the PC’s located a magyarosaurus (a dwarf species of sauropod) which was clearly scared and very hungry.

game, bug, g-inf

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