Fanart: "String" + "Monster"

Jun 07, 2012 06:01

I've been really inactive on LJ oh wow. Anyway, I have two pictures of Envy that I drew, both quite a while ago, but I guess I wanted to show the community here. So here.

There's a wee bit of blood and some freaky eye business going on, just fyi. They're cartoony though but you never know.

First, the oldest:

This came about when I attempted to draw something creepy but ended up with this cutesy thing instead. The champion of creepy, it is me.

And the newest:

This was a contribution to Envy Day (April 10th) on pixiv, and yet another occasion in which I tried to do creepy but ended up further developing the cutesy style. Still the champion.

Both of these have been posted to some other sites, most notably tumblr, deviantart, and pixiv. But like I said, I decided to show the LJ community yay. Now I got some other artistic obligations to attend to, so I'll be off.

!public posts, fullmetal alchemist, fandom, its got pictures

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