So it's been a long while since I last updated in May... Been too long. I've been far too disconnected from all of you, and sadly that has been a burden of mine to bare and I take responsibility for that.
I have been so many places it's hard to keep track of everything that's happened.
The last you all have heard of me is my 4th semester was about to end. The summer was ahead of me, great adventures awaited.
jouRney was a spectacular experience getting to know people I'd be traveling abroad with, studying scripture, hangin out with SFSU kids, playing in the worship band, all the above. Really cool.
The Dominican Republic.
Though India captivated me and fascinated me in ways I cannot describe, the Dominican Republic was something more real, more tangible.
For one, it was a place where I could understand the language(somewhat), though Dominican spanish is slurred quickly while removing many of the 'S's IE: Como Esta? -> Como Te Ta?
The people there were amazing, the dominicans I encountered had all faced their own trials and life journeys. It was good to learn from their experience, familiarize myself with the Afrolatino culture and by the end of the trip, the DR became the place in my mind I go when I find peace, other than God. If I were to meditate, think of a place of absolute peace and sirility, it'd be in the Missionary Base in Jarabacoa, D.R in a hammock, under the cocoanut tree, staring at the beautiful blue sky, which tropical thunder clouds booming in the distance.
Given that the DR is no place of peace, being the poverty, fedelity of husbands, religious persecution between Catholics and Protestants, and the prejudices against Haitian refugees by Dominicans, I still was able to find refuge in God there, being able to unplug from busy American society, isolate my mind, and focus on the things important in life.
The Dominican Republic was amazing, and I'd definintely go back.
Directly from the DR I went to job training for Sierra Service project. Sound familiar? It's the place I went as a camper in 04,05, and 06, and are old LJ posts. I went to work for them this summer as a cook in the Navajo Nation in eastern Arizona. I dedicated 8 weeks of my summer to SSP, and it was one of the hardest experiences of my life. My co-workers overall were really great individuals coming from different schools, serveral different outlooks on life, walks with God. I learned alot about communication (or lack there of), problem solving, not buckling under stress in difficult situations, and mainly, where I need to mature and grow alot more as an individual.
I was confronted with alot of my own short comings this summer, which was not a fun experience.
However, the summer was definitely worth it. I got to outpour love on those high schoolers much as I was loved on as a camper. I got to share that God loves (and likes!) them, that they dont need to get peer approval, that everyone goes through tough times, but we have each other as support. Most of those high schoolers come from VERY different backgrounds. I connected with so many amazing young people, and it was good (but hard) to hear them open up after only a week, to have them give up alot of the heavy stuff going on in their lives, from parent divorce, to drug/alcohol use, to suicide attempts. I will never forget the kids I made a good connection with.
Man was it hard to wake of at 5AM every morning to cook breakfast. The long work days, large cook orders, shopping trips, patience tests, it was definitely not something I am used to.
Would I do SSP again, oh yes, would I be a cook again, oh no. I'd love to get my hands in the construction field, because that is more fun for me. I'm good at cooking sure, but I didn't enjoy it all that much. The thing that kept me sane was belting DIsney songs or dancing to techno music with all the kids.
I felt this summer I suffered alot in keeping up with my emotional/spiritual health in that while I was loving on others constantly, trying to give all I could, I didn't do a very good job making sure my own "love tank" was at a full. Journaling and quiet time got pushed to the side for nap time, and nap time got push aside for the occational internet usage. The summer was overwhelming, but I learned alot, and overall it was a good experience meeting alot of cool people, making differences in people's lives, and learning more about myself.
Right now, it's about a 3rd of the way through the semester I still haven't gotten into the groove of things. I haven't been focusing on my school work as much as I'd like. I've been so focused of extra curriculars, friendships, and video games(Not WoW, been clean from that for 7 months now). I'm trying to turn that around, reflecting on the fact that only 2% of the world's population gets to go to college. I'm truly blessed and I need to start using this gift of high education wisely. Easier said than done.
I'm the full time bass guitarist for Worship team in IVCF, as well as throwing my cello in there once in a while. I've also become very proficient in guitar playing, and am dabbling in the ukalele. I enjoy my classes though not the work load ( I need to work on responsiblity and NOT procrastination).
Tomorrow I plan to buy tickets to fly to Paris, France (not Texas) in January for 2 weeks to visit a friend. I haven't decided what I will do on the trip, maybe a suprize visit to London via Chunnel? (I love England) No matter, I love traveling the world, and hope that continues to be a part of my life.
To Lunch Crew, I wanna know about whats going on iin your life. I love you all, it's been FAR too long.
TO everyone else, I miss you too, hit me up sometime, I like to catch up. Not just awkward "Oh hey I'm catchin' up for the sake of it," but to actually find out what's going on in life, where people are and what plans are looking like.
Much love and God bless.