Kyouya had debated about even leaving that morning after the difficulties that had presented themselves as he woke up. However, since he was staying with Tamaki for the moment and neither of the boys could cook all that well he had decided to venture out. It had taken a bit longer though to get prepared that morning though, since it took time to figure out how to adjust gripping things and walking. It was ironic that in many physics and science classes they would reduce or ignore friction to favor simplicity and make problems more practical to work but how much of a problem it presented in real world applications.
Having favored just a pair of simple jeans and a t-shirt, along with a pair of shoes which had a higher grip than others he managed to make it out the door with only a few occasions of falling and was able to make it around fairly easily. Though occasionally he would misplace his balance and have to catch himself. Browsing through some of the store windows Kyouya stopped for a moment, having to put a foot out and apply a small force backward to keep from sliding past it. In the time that he had arrived back he had concluded that the host club had pretty much been dissolved despite the change in population, however he still kept an eye out for materials and merchandise that would be helpful should the activities resume.
Rita spotted the young man, also having some difficulty sliding around, and frowned. Had she seem him before? It was starting to get ridiculously complicated to tell all of these teenagers apart. They all looked the same to her. Still, she needed another story before that little runt of a brat posted something else in her publication.
She slid closer, stopping here and there to get a glance at him while she pretended to window shop. Despite her attempts at a smooth motion, her right foot lost it's firm grasp on the ground, and slid out from under her, causing the older woman to fall on her rump, with one leg crushed under the rest of her body's weight.
Kyouya turned to glance at the woman after her spill though he didn't offer to help her up, knowing that it most likely would have resulted in him being pulled down without having traction or anything to help lift her. "Are you alright?" With a fall like that Kyouya knew that it could be something as simple as hurt pride but on the off chance that she had landed just right it could have sprained if not more.
Rita cursed very colourfuly under her breath, because she had landed on her foot in a very painful way. "No." she looked livid as she glared down at the ground, trying her hardest to stand only to not be able to.
She remained seated, contemplating the possibility of successfully summoning a broom again, perhaps without losing her wand in the process.
Her claw like finger nails tapped on the slick pavement in an irritated fashion as she considered her options.
Without really moving from he was Kyouya glanced over as she seemed to be having a problem getting up. "You need to get your center of gravity directly under you before trying to stand up. Similar to as if you were skating. It would be easier if you moved over the wall to brace against it."
Rita growled as she slide over to the closest wall and tried to pull herself up, but there was a pain in her ankle that was making the task even harder. If there were any she'd ask for a healer's assistance, but since this world had only what the foolish muggles called Doctors she was left to figure the pain out on her own later. Screw the secrecy protocol.
"Accio Broom." She said, placing one hand over the purse that contained her wand. Any minute now she expected it to come flying by. She could do magic with her wand, so long as she didn't actually grab it.
"You've most likely got a minor sprain," Kyouya had taken note of the subtle hints of pain as she tried to get up. "You should most likely keep off of it as much as possible for some time, elevate it and ice it once you get back home." It was about that time though that she had said something in regards to a broom.
Kyouya recalled at one point someone talking about magic. "What was that?"
So the boy did know about muggle medicin, or at least knew the basics. They could not instantly cure something that a healer would find simple. Heals had been a bad idea for today. She smirked at the boy, who she was very certain now was in fact amuggle. A whistling sound could be heard cutting the air and a broom with very neat bristles and a green handle came flying down.
"I was calling my broom." She said grunting a bit in pain as she pulled it down to nearly be flat on the ground and attempted to sit upon it. Her ankle really must be sprained if it hurt this much to suport the tiniest bit of her weight.
Kyouya looked stunned for a moment as the broom came down and she got on it, so she was a witch. Well that explained a bit actually, especially considering some of the columns that he had gone back and read and of hers trying to recall more details about the city. "That must come in handy considering the lack of transportation here."
So he surprised, but not very much by the look of it. "I only use it when I can not get myself around." she found herself properly settles upon it and had it rise a bit so that she hovered at the level she would be, were she standing. "Seeing as how this stupid world has taken it upon itself to make that impossible, I find myself using it more and more." she seemed displeased by this.
Kyouya adjusted his glasses, "I see. It does seem that there are a lot things occuring now than what I remember. How exactly do you control the movements though?" He wed to learn a little more about the magic since it would have a number of practicle uses, "Or rather why use a broom than something which would be more moble and able to be transported with you inconspicuously."
"There are special brooms designed for flying." Rita said crossing her arms, but still managing to hover where she was without holding onto the handle "This one is a regular broom that I have moddified, the ones made for specifically flying are much better in design and comfort."
Then a smile spread on her mouth, pulling her lips up to one side "And then there are the other ways we travel, ways you wouldn't even be able to see."
Either way they were still a broom... It seemed a little out of date and pointless to use something that was also used to sweeping out dirt and beating mats. "It seems that there are a lot of things which have yet to be uncovered then. Though whether or not the exist in the multiple dimensions which it seems people have been pulled from has yet to be seen, it will be worth looking into."
"You are a rather dull young man aren't you." Rita looked at him with mild curiosity, then snorted in laughter. This chatter was giving her an idea, a possible story, now that the little Japanese brat was taking over her publication she needed something bigger than the usual stupidity of this world.
"I brought a few potions and things from my world in my purse, if they did not exist before they exist now." she pushed up on the back of her curly blond hair to make sure it was still in place. "just like anyone else who might have come here, if they had it with them, then it now exists."
Dull? Kyouya didn't think of himself as dull though he supposed that if someone were to simply observe him without realizing his true goals or other thoughts and small agendas then he would see like a rather ordinary and dull person who was simply studious. "That's an interesting view."
"Though along that line of thought there is a probability that it existed prior to being brought here by an outside source. As well as existing in other places."
"Though that is a possibility, the chances are very small that things of my words existed here prior to the arrival of people from my world." she smirked "It was lovely chatting with you." she said as she began to float away "Do watch your own step." she added before drifting off into the sky. Her interest in finding or fabricating a new story drawing more interest in her than this muggle boy.
Having favored just a pair of simple jeans and a t-shirt, along with a pair of shoes which had a higher grip than others he managed to make it out the door with only a few occasions of falling and was able to make it around fairly easily. Though occasionally he would misplace his balance and have to catch himself. Browsing through some of the store windows Kyouya stopped for a moment, having to put a foot out and apply a small force backward to keep from sliding past it. In the time that he had arrived back he had concluded that the host club had pretty much been dissolved despite the change in population, however he still kept an eye out for materials and merchandise that would be helpful should the activities resume.
She slid closer, stopping here and there to get a glance at him while she pretended to window shop. Despite her attempts at a smooth motion, her right foot lost it's firm grasp on the ground, and slid out from under her, causing the older woman to fall on her rump, with one leg crushed under the rest of her body's weight.
She remained seated, contemplating the possibility of successfully summoning a broom again, perhaps without losing her wand in the process.
Her claw like finger nails tapped on the slick pavement in an irritated fashion as she considered her options.
"Accio Broom." She said, placing one hand over the purse that contained her wand. Any minute now she expected it to come flying by. She could do magic with her wand, so long as she didn't actually grab it.
Kyouya recalled at one point someone talking about magic. "What was that?"
"I was calling my broom." She said grunting a bit in pain as she pulled it down to nearly be flat on the ground and attempted to sit upon it. Her ankle really must be sprained if it hurt this much to suport the tiniest bit of her weight.
"Seeing as how this stupid world has taken it upon itself to make that impossible, I find myself using it more and more." she seemed displeased by this.
Then a smile spread on her mouth, pulling her lips up to one side "And then there are the other ways we travel, ways you wouldn't even be able to see."
"I brought a few potions and things from my world in my purse, if they did not exist before they exist now." she pushed up on the back of her curly blond hair to make sure it was still in place. "just like anyone else who might have come here, if they had it with them, then it now exists."
"Though along that line of thought there is a probability that it existed prior to being brought here by an outside source. As well as existing in other places."
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