who: Kurogane and Sakura in each other's bodies
what: Body Swap
when: Day 103 in the morning
Where: Their house
Rating: G?
Sakura screamed, only it sounded compleatly wrong and even the sound of it kind of scared her so she began to cry. "Kuro-niii!" she called, to afraid to even leave the bed, though it was his bed she was sitting in, alone and in her opinion overly tall. Her hands were too big and dark and clumsy and everything felt funny and she was scared. "Kuro-nii!" she cried again through tears.
"What happened?" she sobbed, she couldn't feel the Sakura cards, and her key was missing, and she looked like Kuro-nii. This all didn't even feel like those weird dreams where she was seeing someone else's future.