Who: Oscar Gabriel, Emmeline Rotterdale, Riff/Riffael Raffit
What: Oscar trying to find a solution to his unfortunate transformation. And who else but to turn to Emmeline~ on top of making sure she's all right.
Where: Emmeline's mansion
When: During the pond curse event during the late afternoon
Rating: PG-13+ [subjected to change depending on what happens]
Oh man. This wasn't good. First he was taking a nice stroll after one of his nights out and now... this. Four legged with a tail and a cute nose that's right it's cute!. Who was he kidding. There wasn't anyway this could have been better. He was a dog for crying out loud! Just what was it that he did? Sure he was drenched in cold water a minute ago but it wasn't anything the warm sun couldn't amend.
He had no other choice but to leave his clothes behind along with the device at that. The baron was running out of options. The only person he had confidence in convincing was the lady herself; Emmeline. She knew him well enough to his standard. Perhaps his attitude yes, the dog's attitude and bright smile at that! could help her come to the right conclusion! He quickly ran to her house and loudly called out her name... Except he failed to realize that all the other could hear is a constant barking outside her window.