Who: Open to all
What: Paris by Night Host Club Event
Where: Hotel/ Host Club Room
When: February 14 from 1:00 through 5:00 (vortexx time)
Rating: We'll say keep it PG-13
Preparations for this event had taken all week; between setting up the decorations and preparing the food; ensuring that there would be no surprises or side effects from any of the entries. Tables had been placed through the club room, set with a clean white linen tablecloth. On each sits a glass vase filled with fresh red roses and a small candle with an Eiffel Tower motif on the glass. For each place setting an assortment of chocolates have been placed to welcome the quests, wrapped in a red foil and shaped like hearts. Delicate French-style coffee cups sit upside down on saucers waiting to be filled with a frothy latte or instant coffee. Red hearts also decorate the walls of the room, as well as hang from the ceiling spinning slightly from the circulation of air, drawing spectators eyes to the white lights which line the ceiling and walls in a woven patter among the hearts.
Off to the side lie an arrangement of foods, including a cake with snowy white frosting which is topped with an Eiffel Tower. A fountain next to it sending up sprays of sparkling grape juice for guests, while further off to the side is another with champagne for those guest old enough.
Finally in the center of the room lies a grand piano, polished nicely with the lid half raised, white lace has been draped across the lid carefully so as to not interfere with the sound. The bench is carefull pushed in adjusted to one certain individual, though currently in the background music is softly playing.
Kyouya glances at his communicator to take note of the time before closing his notebook and gathering the hosts together and going over their respective duties once more. Through the week Tamaki had given bits of information regarding French culture, over dramatizing as usual and emphasizing the importance of romance on such a day. Finally it was time to open the doors and welcome guests.
As the doors opened rose petals were caught in the breeze, drifting out the door to welcome guest as each of the hosts stood there dressed in white suits, with red accenting them in the ties and vests. All of the hosts had rehearsed and managed to speak at once greeting the guests. “Welcome.”
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