Who: Van, Tear, open[ask to join please]
Where: Business District
What: Awakening in this world, meeting his sister
When: After app post
Rating: Pg? PG 13 at most, I suppose.
Vandasdelca Musto Fende wasn’t your average human. Many would refer to him as monster, many still did, and many just simply wished him dead. Except for his dear sister, whom he wished he could protect. If she let him. He sighed, looking at the small device in his rather large hand, trying to surmise what use it could be of. It didn’t look like any of the fon machines he had ever seen, yet he knew it would be a useful device it this world was to be traversed.
Now to gather his Generals, or those who wished to join in him in this world. There were matters to be attended to.