Who: Jenova, Night, open to... people in Florian's house?
What: Playing with Mother's new toy to distract herself from destroying the universe
When: After Florian takes Jenova in and she reboots Night
Where: Florian's house
Rating: G for Gears
Jenova was not pleased.
Well, that was not entirely accurate. She was pleased to have found Florian and his... puppy. She was pleased to have a shelter in her child's home. She was pleased to have once again found the inorganic one, and almost delighted to have found an easily seduced second. She was pleased that the robot was coming to her even now.
She was not pleased about the treatment of her precious one at the hands of strangers.
Long silver hair hid the stigma's face for a moment as her long thin fingers traced the contours of her communication device. A distraction would need to present itself. There had been a pact made at her return, after all; no attempts were to be made to destroy existance as it existed in this world.
There had to be something to distract her from the temptation...