Who: Luke, Elphaba, Sheena [OPEN]
What: Luke is left for dead after being starved to death and left in a dark room by Dist. Finally he's let out and left maybe to be found.
When: After Luke raises the Sephiroth for Aion's Eden.
Where: Cemetery [I believe I saw one on the map]
Rating: Unrestricted.
Luke was placed by Dist against of the cold stone slabs. After being rarely fed, the boy looked much on the frail side. His weight and stature dropped dramatically and he looked sickly. But putting all this aside, there was something nagging at him in the back of his mind. 'Did everyone forget about me? Is that why no one came for me?' Guy didn't seem to be concerned about him. Anise, who was obsessed with him, said nothing. Jade, well, he wouldn't concern himself with this type of thing. Natalia seemed a little worried but didn't seem to care enough to move. And without warning, Tear left. But there was someone more important than them. The one who he gave his life, body, everything to.
The one person he thought to care. 'I can't come get you.' Had he been lied to all this time? Asch, who he finally heard those three words from, wouldn't put forth the effort of finding him? Luke knew if something like this happen to Asch, he would tried to find him in a heartbeat.
But it didn't seem to work the other way around.
So he sat there, against a grave stone, head lowered and barely on the verge of consciousness.