(no subject)

Jul 31, 2007 19:54

Who: Sohma Shigure, Eiri Yuki
What: Shigure is pissy. To make things better, he meets with Eiri in a cafe to talk about their lives and how each of them is a completely misunderstood, overall nice guy. ♥
When: mid-afternoon
Where: cafe
Rating: don't know, don't especially care

Shigure sat sulking in a cafe, fingers chasing a wrapped caramel on the surface of the tiny table. This wasn't one of his best days. Granted, events in the Sohma household had been going better than usual; Akito had calmed a bit, was even happy; Yuki didn't cringe as much as usual, everyone else were their usual dysfunctional selves. Momiji's sweet tooth had had an 'encounter' with a piece of candy, but the effects were amusing, not dangerous.
Akito's change, on the other hand...was irritating in too many ways for him to bother listing, even to himself. He had warned her to be careful, was extra vigilant on her behalf, yet she persisted in getting herself into trouble. At least it hadn't given her a violent personality change or changed her into an animal...

...though it would have been rather amusing if she had been turned into a dog...

shigure, eiri yuki

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