Who: Ed and Al Elric
When: Afternoon
Where: The City
What: Searching for a kitten for a pet in their soon-to-be new apartment
Rating: PG, fluff guaranteed.
They decided, now, that Al was improving it was a good time to start looking for the kitten he'd promised Alphonse. He was personally hoping they'd soon move to the apartment Al said he'd found. They'd have a permanent home together, then, finally. They hadn't had one in years. It was a nice concept.
Ed braided his hair, fresh from waking, dressed and ready to go now. He hadn't slept until noon since he couldn't remember when. It was refreshing. He stretched his arms over his head and yawned.
He stood in the small living room area, waiting patiently for his brother to be completely ready to leave. It felt like it would be a good day.