Who: TK Bakura, Sanzo What: The two "friends" meeting up and talking about who could've POSSIBLY made them hate each other. ♥ When: After TK's and Sanzo's latest posts. Where: The park Rating: With these two? Unrestricted.
After leaving Goku, Sanzo began to comb the park for any sign of his favorite friend. He had never had a friend before--not like this. Sure, Hakkai was his "friend" [though he would barely admit that to himself] but what they had was nothing like what he and Bakura had. What he and Bakura had was special.
They were brothers.
The minute he saw the Egyptian, everything in the world fell into place. Everything was perfect. His brother was here, the monkey was here...what more could a man ask of paradise?
He thought he heard something familiar; looking up, he couldn't help but grin when he saw Sanzo walking up to him. Bakura raised a hand to wave his friend over, but instead wrapped his arm around the other man's shoulders in a hug.
[ooc: And you've just killed me. Let our zombies take over~ ♥!]
Bakura's arm around his shoulders felt so nice that Sanzo couldn't help but...grin and imitate the motion. "It's great to see you again, Bakura. How are you?" He paused and grinned even wider. "And don't call me Sanzo--there's no need for formalities between us. Call me Kouryuu."
"Kouryuu?" He repeated the name, nodding slowly, the smile still across his lips. "I like it." Pulling back from the other man, Bakura ran a hand through his own hair, chuckling. "I've been all right. I still can't believe I was such an ass to you though! You're sure you forgive me for it?"
How could he think he wouldn't? "Of course I will!" Sanzo retorted, becoming serious. "I won't forgive whoever did this to us, though. How could someone be so cruel as to force us apart?"
Bakura shook his head, growling under his breath. "I don't know - and it pisses me off," he replied, not knowing that he was clenching a fist. "I didn't think any of my enemies had come here from Kemet - even though the Pharaoh is here, he's too stupid to do something like this."
A glance up at Sanzo. "Any of your enemies...did they happen to fall into this place, too?"
[ooc: I have been for some time. >] As I said, I've been hoping for something like this for a while~ ♥]
Gods, this pissed him off so much! Sanzo jerked out a cigarette and his lighter, lit it, and placed it between his lips. After taking a long drag, he looked at Bakura again. "No, none of my enemies. Not that I've seen, anyway." He paused. "Marluxia used to be kind of bitchy when I was around. Want a cigarette?"
"Marluxia, hn?" The name sounded familiar...Bakura nodded. "The little pissant tried to act like he thought I was his god, then backstabbed me. Nevermind everyone constantly bitching about him. I wouldn't be surprised if this was all his doing."
He gritted his teeth, willing himself to keep Diabound from appearing. No need for that just yet. Sanzo's offer took his mind off of his anger for the time being, and he arched an eyebrow. "Uh, sure."
"Yeah, that pink-haired kid." Sanzo muttered, taking another drag. He'd blow the kid's brains out if he had ruined Bakura for life. Stupid idiots...the cigarette.
"You think he's smart enough to pull off something like this?" he asked. "'Cause I mean...Marluxia does whine like a bitch a lot. Unless it's some sort of cover-up."
Taking the box in his hands, Bakura stared down at it for a moment, then pulled out a single cigarette. It seemed somewhat familiar, but still...
Nonetheless, he handed the box back to Sanzo, then stuck the cigarette between his lips and gestured for the lighter.
Flicking the lighter open, Sanzo lit the cigarette and then replaced the lighter in his pocket. "Hn. Maybe it is a cover-up. That emo boy...whatever his name is...Ienzotat? Zexion? was saying it was all a cover-up. That Marluxia is really evil or whatever. Maybe he's right."
If that were so, Marluxia could forget about trying to hurt Bakura again. Sanzo would banish his ass. Better yet, he'd shave his head and -then- banish his ass.
[ooc: Must sleep. <3 Be back tomorrow, though. ^^;]
Nodding in thanks, Bakura listened, laughing at Sanzo's attempt at naming Ienzo. "Ienzotat? Good one! But yeah, he was saying something like that. Since he seems to know Marluxia so well, it might be best to believe him."
He tried to exhale after taking a drag off the cigarette, and instead started coughing, not exactly willing to admit that he'd never smoked before in his life.
Graciously ignoring Bakura's failed attempt at smoking, Sanzo took another drag and blew out smoke. "Yeah. It's probably Marluxia." He glanced at Bakura. "Want to kill him?"
After he'd finished coughing, Bakura looked down at the cigarette and dropped it on the ground, crushing it out. No need to nearly kill himself with it - perhaps they could get a drink later. Alcohol was something he could handle quite well.
He nodded in response to Sanzo's question. "Sounds like a plan to me," he smirked. "It can't be that difficult now, can it?"
Sanzo laughed, half in response to Bakura's coughing fit and the crushed cigarette. He need to teach his brother how to smoke one of these days..."Of course it can't be." He smiled coldly. "It won't be difficult at all."
"Excellent." Clapping a hand on Sanzo's shoulder, Bakura cleared his throat once more, certain that the coughing fit had passed. "Next time Kouryuu, we're getting together at a bar," he joked.
They were brothers.
The minute he saw the Egyptian, everything in the world fell into place. Everything was perfect. His brother was here, the monkey was here...what more could a man ask of paradise?
He thought he heard something familiar; looking up, he couldn't help but grin when he saw Sanzo walking up to him. Bakura raised a hand to wave his friend over, but instead wrapped his arm around the other man's shoulders in a hug.
"Sanzo! How are you?"
Bakura's arm around his shoulders felt so nice that Sanzo couldn't help but...grin and imitate the motion. "It's great to see you again, Bakura. How are you?" He paused and grinned even wider. "And don't call me Sanzo--there's no need for formalities between us. Call me Kouryuu."
"Kouryuu?" He repeated the name, nodding slowly, the smile still across his lips. "I like it." Pulling back from the other man, Bakura ran a hand through his own hair, chuckling. "I've been all right. I still can't believe I was such an ass to you though! You're sure you forgive me for it?"
How could he think he wouldn't? "Of course I will!" Sanzo retorted, becoming serious. "I won't forgive whoever did this to us, though. How could someone be so cruel as to force us apart?"
Bakura shook his head, growling under his breath. "I don't know - and it pisses me off," he replied, not knowing that he was clenching a fist. "I didn't think any of my enemies had come here from Kemet - even though the Pharaoh is here, he's too stupid to do something like this."
A glance up at Sanzo. "Any of your enemies...did they happen to fall into this place, too?"
Gods, this pissed him off so much! Sanzo jerked out a cigarette and his lighter, lit it, and placed it between his lips. After taking a long drag, he looked at Bakura again. "No, none of my enemies. Not that I've seen, anyway." He paused. "Marluxia used to be kind of bitchy when I was around. Want a cigarette?"
"Marluxia, hn?" The name sounded familiar...Bakura nodded. "The little pissant tried to act like he thought I was his god, then backstabbed me. Nevermind everyone constantly bitching about him. I wouldn't be surprised if this was all his doing."
He gritted his teeth, willing himself to keep Diabound from appearing. No need for that just yet. Sanzo's offer took his mind off of his anger for the time being, and he arched an eyebrow. "Uh, sure."
Cigarette? Couldn't hurt, could it?
"Yeah, that pink-haired kid." Sanzo muttered, taking another drag. He'd blow the kid's brains out if he had ruined Bakura for life. Stupid idiots...the cigarette.
He handed the box to Bakura. "Here you go."
Taking the box in his hands, Bakura stared down at it for a moment, then pulled out a single cigarette. It seemed somewhat familiar, but still...
Nonetheless, he handed the box back to Sanzo, then stuck the cigarette between his lips and gestured for the lighter.
If that were so, Marluxia could forget about trying to hurt Bakura again. Sanzo would banish his ass. Better yet, he'd shave his head and -then- banish his ass.
[ooc: Must sleep. <3 Be back tomorrow, though. ^^;]
He tried to exhale after taking a drag off the cigarette, and instead started coughing, not exactly willing to admit that he'd never smoked before in his life.
It might be a good idea.
He nodded in response to Sanzo's question. "Sounds like a plan to me," he smirked. "It can't be that difficult now, can it?"
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