Who: Xemnas, Mewtwo, Mew, RepliKairi
What: Storming the castle! >D
When: -shrug-
Where: Castle that Never Was
Rating: Unrestricted
Xemnas wasn't quite sure why he was in the middle of such a strange place. After all, it wasn't every day that you found yourself in the basement of a large, seemingly endless castle, let alone in the middle of a room filled with countless equipment. It was bad enough that he had no memories, but to end up in such a strange place was just...a lot to soak in.
He scanned the area, eying the large machines used for replications, along with the table which held countless documentations on the heart and other fabrications. This whole place, in general...seemed odd.
Little did Xemnas realize, he would be visited quite soon by people he wouldn't remember at all.