May 09, 2007 15:32
Who: Kyousuke and Mewtwo
What: Wakeing up
When: early-ish hours of the morning
Where: .outskirts of the park
Rating: PG
Kyousuke rubbed his eyes as he slowly sat up, a tiered sigh escaping him. The last thing he remembered was getting back late from filming to find Mira sleeping at the kitchen table, clearly waiting up for him. He had picked his small love up and taken him to bed, so that they might rest properly. Had he not been so tiered, he might have undressed them, but instead he placed the smaller body down fully clothed and pulled him into a hug. Mira had mumbled something to him as he had begain to stur, but he was silenced by a kiss and promised that they would talk later.
Now he was growing worried, where was he? Had Mira found his way here, was he too waiking up to the sights of a strange city?