Who: Naruto, Sasuke, Neji, Sakura, Lee, Shikamaru, and anyone else wishing to join in on the fun! (Possibly Itachi...<<; )
What: Going to a pastry shop and hopefully ramen!
When: Here and now. (After Sasuke and Naruto ate the fruit...and found Neji, Sakura, Lee, and Shikamaru) Link:
http://community.livejournal.com/vortexxworld/213529.html#cutid1Where: Pastry Shop, then very possibly a ramen shop afterwards.
Rating: PG? (It could go up depending on who all joins)
"Y-you'd do that for me?" He gave a soft smile and blush once again. He didn't care, really that Sasuke apparently did not feel the same way about him as he cared about Sasuke. As long as the other was nice to him and cared in some way.
Naruto then slightly clung to his teammate's arm as he waited for Sasuke to lead the way. He really wasn't confident that he would be a good leader. So he decided to trust Sasuke to be the one leading.