Wake up Vivi...it's time...

Mar 28, 2007 19:15

((This thread will take place before Vivi wandered into the coffee shop.))

Who: Vivi Ornitier and whomever happens to come by

What: Wake up log...

When: Before the Coffee shop thread

Why: Cause he shall start fresh...

"Oww...my head" Vivi says silently to himself as he stands up. "W-where am I?" Vivi silently paniced to himself and stood completely still in case it was a mind trick those Cactuar love to play. ((Cactuars :D)) After a short time he comes up witht he conclusion that he was fighting along side his friends, Zidane, Garnet, Eiko, and Steiner, then a Cactuar appeared out of nowhere and kidnapped him. Lastly, left him for dead in this town. "T-that must be what happened. I-I should look around for a place to stay so I can think about what to do next."

the dc, vivi

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