Who: Yami no Bakura, Touzokuou Bakura, Yuuko, Minako, Olette and possibly Ryou?
What: Meeting new faces; drinking
When: Tonight
Where: Yuuko's bar
Rating: PG-13. Drinking. And who knows what'll happen with the Past and Present meet face to face? xD; Especially when there's absinthe involved.
[cut lyrics; Panic! at the Disco,
"There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered, Honey. You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet"]
Bakura stood outside of Yuuko's shop, communication device in hand. It was agreed that he was to meet Yuuko, Olette, and some other girl whose name escaped him at this establishment for a drink or two. The thief didn't even mind that his company was female. It didn't matter; company was company, and it was something he had found himself starving for over the last couple of weeks.
He smirked, grabbing the doorknob and letting himself in. Former Self was also going to be present. That fact alone made the anticipation of the night's events almost unbearable.
Bakura seated himself at the bar and starred at the rows of bottles that rested neatly in the racks behind the counter.
This was going to be fun...