You can never go home

Mar 06, 2007 02:36

Who: Bridget, Tres and Tachikoma
What: Searching for (and finding) the Grocery Store.
When: now (after this)
Rating: God knows with Bridget. It could be G or XXX depending on what comes out of his mouth...

Bridget was delighted when he found the Grocery store.

Rather, Tres and Koma-chan pointed it out as he danced along slightly ahead of them. And it was less than three blocks from where he had met his new friends too! Upon seeing it, he jumped up and down with exclaimations of delight. And then tackle-hugged both of them, before he bounded over to the front door, and pulled.

"OHMYGOD NOOOOO!!!" He cried, when the door clinked, and refused to open. He pressed himself up against the window of the glass and slowly sunk down to his kness with an unhappy moan.

"The store is closed!!" he said. He pressed his cheek up against the glass and closed his eyes. "I was too late!! Now what do I do? I can't get the break and milk..."

bridget, tachikoma, tres iqus

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