Another Brick in the Wall

Mar 04, 2010 21:48

The last entry was dated November 27, 1999. Casey's doctor had made a house call at the Connors that morning and she had summarized her visit with a list of medications and dosages and a single phrase, in her scrawling doctor's hand: Patient is doing very well.

Zeke had paid his own house call at the Connors on November 27, 1999. Patient is doing very well, the doctor had said, but when Casey’s mother had brought Zeke upstairs he had found a hollow shell of a kid who had been watching cartoons and drooling on himself. Patient is doing very well, Zeke thought and the rage rose up in him as if he were living that day all over again.

Another Brick in the Wall: A Compilation of Birthright Stories by baylorsr and oselle

Buy the book, download the e-book, listen to the podficced selections [That Place, America, Deconstructed], or read the text online.

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