and because i'm still bored...

Sep 28, 2005 17:05

LJ Interests meme results

  1. belgian beer:
    Mmmm... Stella Artois, Hoegaarden, the Belgians really know their beers. I've never been there, but I've been told by more than one person that the only thing to do in Brussels is "eat chocolate and drink beer." Sounds like paradise.
  2. chocolate:
    If you don't like chocolate, I don't want to know you.
  3. flute:
    This was my first passion that I legitimately tried to turn into a career. I still think that I had the talent, but in the immortal words of my dear high school band teacher Mr. Green, who gave up a promising career as a clarinetist, "I don't like to practice."
  4. horror movies:
    I'm always on the look-out for the perfect horror movie. The one that has an amazing story and is really scary for all the right reasons (not just gory to the point of being disturbing). But even though most horror movies are crap, they're funny crap and lend themselves well to drinking games, as the CTB can attest. My favorite directors are Hitchcock and Hideo Nakata.
  5. lord of the rings:
    The first time I read this book I was in 2nd grade and I really had to fight to finish it because it was so long and hard for such a young person. It was my first reading triumph. I spent the rest of my childhood pretending I was Gandalf's daughter and calling my Wonderhorse Shadowfax. I love the movies too.
  6. movies:
    Ok, I know this one is a little unusual, but I'm a quirky person. I just like them. I don't know why.
  7. quentin tarantino:
    Eh... I really like Kill Bill and that's probably what I was thinking about when I put this interest down. I'm a fan and all, but I don't really have that much to say about him.
  8. star trek:
    I'm not ashamed. I don't go to conventions or anything, but I do enjoy the show. Next Generation is my favorite, but I also like the original series and Enterprise. Deep Space 9 and Voyager can bite me. Gene Roddenberry was a very cool guy.
  9. thunderstorms:
    I love a good thunderstorm. The more dramatic, the better. When I lived in Columbia, we had a lot of overground power lines and the power would go out almost every time there was a storm. I miss that. It gave a magical sort of atmosphere to the day.
  10. xbox:
    I love my XBox, which was a graduation gift from David. My favorite games are Prince of Persia and Morrowind. I prefer the ones with cool storylines and graphics. Just running around and shooting/beating up on things isn't really my bag.

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