[The note is enclosed within a
light purple satchel holding a fair amount of dried Dreaming Glory, and a rawhide chew of the sort one might give a dog.]
As agreed. Hope are not too damaged - did not have opportunity to send before leaving warmer climates, and am hardly skilled in art of harvesting. Hopefully colors produced to your liking. If quantity insufficient, have contacts in Draenor able to send more.
Chew for Penny - uncertain if have visited Outland, but comes from a large creature called Clefthoof. Resides there in herds. Uncertain what pack made of. Draenic in origin (from 'neutral' leatherworker in Shattrath) but many possibilities of material identity.
Keep well,
[The note is enclosed within a dark purple satchel holding two flasks of Halaani whiskey, an
amuelet of mysterious powers, and a somewhat confusingly-translated Thalassian to Ravenspeech phrasebook. Skwark awk.]
Magister Duskwhisper,
Must extend belated gratitude for gift, and laud taste in drama. Was unexpected, but as surprises go - thoroughly pleasant to receive.
Am assured the wards on enclosed pendant 'infallible' against being stolen to treetops by mysterious beasts. True enough to claims, nothing of sort has happened while has been in my possession. With full knowledge of danger may be committing self to walking the forests unprotected, give over to your posession.
Indeed - by the Well, appears to have me already.
From atop orchard,
-Andovar Thorndawn.
Made promise to self that would write you more often than had been. Have fallen lax (despite enduring sentiment) and in way of such things, greater the time length task put aside for - the more difficult is to begin.
Do not know all that much to write of at present given brief period between time of departure and time of sending this. Not much changed since separation. But remember asked of family, so seems perhaps ground worth covering. As unsolicited - if holds little interest, beg that please skip. Promise will likely have more of current events rather than past matters soon enough. As ever, look forward more to hearing from you than spilling out pages of own rambling.
Come from large family. Raised by both parents, with occasional assistance of surviving grand relations and extended family. Three sisters, three brothers - was middle child between them. Younger than Aelys, Emberic, Elisha. Older than Eovar, Eiswyn, Alyck.
Emberic passed long before Invasion, in attacks on Amani. Combat healer. Capable, courageous, ultimately overconfident. Had been close.
Mother, Father, Eovar, Alyck and Eiswyn perished in Invasion, while trying to hold City. Bulk of extended family perished. Strain of withdrawal took Alyck and Elyria(niece, little more than crawling), along with maternal grandparents. Elisha vanished in earliest days of reclamation. Was suspected was to remaining mindless trapped in City, as partial remains found fitting much of description, if [Taps.] thoroughly gnawed.
Aelys survived to join Sunfury, as did his son. Mages, both - odd ducks in family. Aelys presumed slain by Scryer attack on mana forge where stationed. Belongings recovered, if not body. Son defected to Aldor, no longer speaks to those remaining.
Those that do remain, few, scattered - none use name any longer besides self. Closest surviving was nephew by Aelys, any further flung are distant, distant cousins by marriage only.
Largely military family, if not already apparent. Hesitate to think at times what Emberic would think of current path of nation - true believer in supposed goodness of Light. Immaturity of youth, suspect. Was always sharp, far sharper than I or most of our siblings. Would likely have picked up on strength of current ways before any of us.
Unlike most in family, lost no children or lovers to Invasion. Similarly avoided serious injury - few of those fighting with to do so. Had been placed defending runestone, if unsuccessfully. Wonder on occasion whether luck alone led to survival, or if some cowardice in actions allowed retreat once lost. Do not know, try to avoid dwelling on. Joined Order once founded, found that could channel Light through new methods where incapable before. Suppose have found sort of family there, as suspect do most in similar roles.
Blood ties remain, if of different sort.
Not much to report of present. Cold here, as ever. Snows, as ever. Guarding Reliquary, as of late begins to seem as ever. Possibility of relocation soon, do not know to where. Wintergrasp tossed around as location of note. Would not be bloodbath once was, if so.
Missing you already.
With love,
[Folded in with the letter are a vast quantity of notes in an angular scrawl, dotted heavily in places with ink. The bulk of it seems to be the symbolic associations of various things, which beyond the more usual definitions, always seem to end in 'mother'. A series of question marks has been added in, in places, and a very poor doodle of an octopus with an arrow pointing to a female stick figure with elf ears is practically surrounded with '???'s.]
Magister Firewane,
I copied out the notes. Hopefully they're easy enough to read - it's the thick red book with the cracked spine and the flowers on it on the bottom of the third shelf to the left of where you enter when you're looking for the crystal, if you're ever in the Hall.
Skilde aesire skilde,
[Part one of an anonymous, untitled bit of
terrible illustrated erotica will be sent to Rynlan Dawnslight, or whoever is currently receiving his mail. There are mustaches drawn all over the penises, in a different color of ink.]
Thank you Again for the beautiful decoration. It is in my window now and it is very nice to look at, especially when it catches the light. Cantrip seems to like chasing the spots that it throws off. When you are back in the City we should Talk, if that is Okay with you!! I would like to see you again, though I Understand if you are busy because I know that you have many things to do.
Your friend,
Lazirus Emberic Lownoon.
(I am writing it that way because it is more Professional and I had to put this on a lot of Paperwork lately, but it is still Laz so do not worry if you do not want to say the whole thing you do not have to and my name did not Change.)