Jul 07, 2011 16:51
This place is truly a wonder, though it's decidedly not Wonderland, nor any realm within. So many remarkable things, and yet I'm quite sure I'm neither dreaming nor hallucinating. Well, I've never had a hallucination that lasted quite this long.
This device is rather handy as well. I can use it to make a record of all sorts of things I find here, like the library! [She sounds excited for a moment.] Papa would have given his right arm to see so many books, and from so many exotic places!
[There's a pause, and when Alice speaks again, she sounds a little more subdued.]
I've... found a few things out already. While I'm my other self here, I don't seem to have some of the tricks I picked up. Still, I'm not completely useless either so I suppose I should keep a stiff upper lip in that regard.
And I don't suppose people are playing a bit of a joke when they say the dead can come back to life here, are they? ...If it's not terribly rude of me to ask, have any of the Called been dead before arriving here?
[There's another long period of contemplative silence before she speaks again, her tone even and normal now, if a little huffy.]
The fog is certainly a nuisance. Pig won't set foot out in it, silly creature, and there's a strange clattering noise. Rather eerie, and I even caught sight of some shadows flitting about in this soupy mess. I'd like to know what exactly is lurking out there.
Oh yes, I should also mention that Kevas is looking for people to teach certain useful skills to. I know a thing or three about knives and volunteered, so if you're interested in learning, there's a nice open area in the temple. Let me know if you want to try anything.
Well, I suppose that's my second log in this. What is it called anyway? I feel a little strange just calling it 'Device'. Very nonspecific, for something that has such specific functions.
[The transmission ends. And yes, Alice is going to be back and forth between the temple and her pod throughout the day. As she's a proper Londoner, she doesn't think fog is anything to be worried about. Fortunately she lives so very close to the temple. Unfortunately, she has very little idea that she's putting herself at high, high risk.]
a little ignorant of the situation,
knife fight lessons,
mum papa and lizzie