Massy: a sci-fi ramble

Apr 11, 2005 14:16

Take an object, any object. Let's say, oh, a big, sizable, and large piece of lead. Lead is fun; we like lead. Now, put that lead in a tube with one end open only, placed at the far end. Make the tube be something sexy; a strong electromagnetic field, say. Okay. Now, transmogrify the mass of the nucleus of those lead atoms into a field that keeps the remaining electron macro-cloud together, so that they generally move like a herd of swallows. This cloud should try to move in all directions at once close to the speed of light, since that's what they were doing before with their orbiting of the massy nucleus. But now, no nucleus, no orbiting. Our fun tube will force the cloud to have a solidity of direction, exiting. So, now we have a cloud of electrons that have a near-light velocity in the direction at which the tube was pointed.

Now what? Is a weapon? resembles light more then anything else. So, it's a hugely expensive flashlight? Not even the military would go to such extremes...such uberpork is beyond the shiftiest of Senators, I would hope. But! The cloud is still partially composed of a gaggle of massless nuclei. So, now, our fun mass-sucking field starts decaying, returning nuclei to normal, and upping the inertia of the cloud. This, naturally, slows the cloud down from it's heady relativistic state. When the field has decayed completely, we are left with a piece of lead (or, perhaps transmogrified lead) that has just journeyed at the speed of light from point A to point Z. Don't really care about the quality of the end product, but it has to get there now? Use the tube, Jack. I recommend not trying it on livestock, electronics, or Grandmothers, however.

But, you complain shrilly, what about weaponry? Surely such a fantastic device has the potential for great destructive force! It's mostly a flashlight, I shoot back. But, I'll see what I can do, juuust for you. Alright...howabout this: the decay of the null-mass field is gradual, thusly the deceleration of the cloud is also gradual. Next, use strategically-placed quantum black holes as slingshots for the clouds. So, even if it's only going .5 C, it'll pick up more speed bending around the gravity wells. So, now instead of a piece of lead floating still in space, albeit far from it's origin point, you've got a deadly space-bullet hurtling at unsuspecting targets at a sizable fraction of lightspeed. There's your friggin weapon, Jack.

Problems's probably impossible. Oh well, nothing's perfect.
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