Ryan Lewis got me sickz0r. And I'm reading on Wednesday so I'm drinking lots of tea and eating lots of cough drops in order for my poem to NOT sound like shit.
My brothers made me watch them fence, so I sat in the grass and they hit each other with metal objects. I like to think they were fencing over who was my favorite but maybe probably not.
Anyhow, the real reason I'm posting is to remind myself to go to Amnesty ((and to remind Hermemily, if she reads this...)) because god knows I'll forget. ((The annoucement about it was confusing. "Amnesty International! Go to the meeting today! Remember to go to Amnesty tomorrow! It's every Wednesday!" Ok, so it wasn't THAT bad, but I'm hoping for a more coherent one, as to when the fuck it is, on th' morrow.))
73h l337 5h4ll 1nh3r17 73h 34r7h.
I can't remember them word for word, but this will give you an idea how much we sucked at writing today.
The squirrel distrusts our poetry
Squirrel, do you think we're nuts?
You have the biggest earrings ever
Your pen must be mighty jealous.
Oh yes. Teh leet haxor.