Merry fucking Christmas

Dec 25, 2004 15:30

TheToastFactory: DR4G0NF0RC3!!!!!
bbts113: YES
TheToastFactory: XD
bbts113: I fucking <3 D4rG0nF4RC3
TheToastFactory: l337 m374l=DR4G0NF0RC3
TheToastFactory: dragonfarce?
TheToastFactory: XD
bbts113: dargonfarce.
bbts113: *solos for five minutes*
TheToastFactory: fucking rocks.
TheToastFactory: ::kicks you offstage::
bbts113: *sings a capella in a high pitched voice with keyboard harmonies in background*
bbts113: *solos more*
TheToastFactory: ::throws a kid with a mohawk at you::
bbts113: *impales mohawked kid on my broadsword*
bbts113: *whips kid to death with super-long hair*
bbts113: *be's an Asian man named Herman*
TheToastFactory: ::be's a Mexican man named Jorge::
TheToastFactory: GABBA GABBA HEY!
TheToastFactory: ::throws joey ramone at you::
bbts113: *joey ramone hits me and falls apart because he's dead and rotten*
TheToastFactory: ::throws joe strummer at you::
bbts113: *strikes up death metal song, growls about dead people fallinga part*
TheToastFactory: UP THE BRITISH PUNX!!!!1
bbts113: *revives Joe Strummer with my metal powers because he rules, growls about zombies and the dead coming to life to eat people*
TheToastFactory: ::strikes up a gawthique song, sings about robert smith and angst::
bbts113: *kills robert smith with broadsword*
bbts113: wait
bbts113: he'd probably enjoy that
bbts113: shit.
TheToastFactory: his gothic pain will be over with one stroke of the sword
TheToastFactory: torture him!
bbts113: nah, he'd like that too
TheToastFactory: give him some bunnies!
TheToastFactory: and pink shirts!
bbts113: "there's only one good thing about life"
bbts113: "what's that?"
bbts113: "death"
TheToastFactory: oh...robert smith...
TheToastFactory: is really ugly.
TheToastFactory: and stupid.
bbts113: he was in the Cure, right?
TheToastFactory: WHY do people find that fucker remotely attractive?
TheToastFactory: yeah.
bbts113: I dunno
bbts113: they like his music
TheToastFactory: i don't.
bbts113: I know women who think Thom Yorke is hot.
TheToastFactory: ...
bbts113: and he's fucking ugly as hell
TheToastFactory: i know women who think i'm hot.
bbts113: really, me too
bbts113: I guess we win pretty furiously
TheToastFactory: we're pretty awesome
bbts113: you know
bbts113: we always come to that conclusion
TheToastFactory: dude...we do.
TheToastFactory: that's the whole point of our conversations.
TheToastFactory: "how are you?"
", too."
"we're fucking awesome."
"dude...we are."
bbts113: ha
bbts113: and there's nothing wrong with that.
TheToastFactory: of course not. nothing wrong with reinforcing the truth.
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