skeet skeet skeet

Nov 15, 2006 04:37

William Tugwell
Eng 1010 PO9
Fall 2006 - Dr. Luther
Nov. 08, 2006

Symphony # 73 in A+ Minor

When I think of current events and social problems that plague modern man, I inevitably come to focus on the decline of creative modern music. The spotlight seems to focuses on bloated big business stars that lyp sync to songs they don’t write. This disappoints me, for when I was a wee lad, my sisters turned me on to a lot of great music: Alice In Chains, Sublime, Nirvana, and Led Zeppelin to name a few artists. My father is a big classic rock fan and he continued to further my musical interests. When I was old enough to realize that real people like you or me had invented this music, I had a natural desire to see these people perform. I was thoroughly disappointed to find that most of the bands I liked were either broken up or dead, and seeing them had become impossible. Bands have come and gone and lately they are simply gone. The popular, or “pop” music has lost its soul. Big business buccaneers wield their musical wands and create abominations like Christina Aguilera and Britney spears, rather than honest, or dishonest individuals wielding guitars and pianos and drums and washboards, harmonicas, and bass guitars to make the magic of music happen. So now it is MY turn! My turn I say, to join with others and make lovely inspired little ditties about you and me or rocks and things sailing into the future on a vinyl record.

So where is the spirit? Where is the soul? Music of today lacks both. The radio blares its advertisements and sound bites amidst 2 - 3 minute pop singles or “Rap Pop” as I have dubbed it. Only in a “Rap Pop” song can you sing “. . .till the sweat drips off my balls. . . skeet, Skeet, Skeet, Skeet.” Not that the writers of pop songs don’t have a right to say what they want, my problem with it are people getting down and dancing to music about “pulling out” and ejaculating on your mate. Or in other words: “Skeeting” on them. Did the light from the sun not catch the lip of their 20 inch rims that morning in a mystifying and inspiring way? Couldn’t they sing about the yearnings of the soul for radiant chrome rims that bouncedy bounce? These things I wonder. I wonder in a world full of people afraid to wonder. I wonder if Man, or Woman, will find their niche in creative expressionist society again. What we need is another renaissance, another round of maddened, wild haired classical composers, creating rhapsodies, and operas, dazzling our ears with a rollercoaster of impassioned phrasings and swelling crescendos. When a demand for such a thing arises, so will the composers to fill that demand. So what will it take? What is needed to encourage the steps of the stumbling child king that is human kind? The answer is not so simple, is it? Or isn’t it?

Boom, the crash of a timpani drum; it resounds through the quiet night. What we need is a musical wake up call. Something or someone must not only open wide the door, but disconnect the hinges. In other words: raise the bar so high that musical evolution is not only encouraged, but necessary. There must be an outlet for musical expression as well as education in all facets of life, from the lowest class to the most prestigious. Spiritual communion would form from the backbeat of a dance in 4/4 time for music is a language that all who listen understand. Even one who could not, Ludwig Van Beethoven, endeavored by sawing the legs off his piano so that he might feel the reverberations through the floor. That is the power of music. When that concept is realized on a mass scale, Music may one day flow up and out of our hearts freely into the universe. “Free at last!” it would cry as it finds it’s place among the stars, casting a golden age of enlightenment across the earth to warm our shoulders. “Skeeting” on us as it were. . .
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