Mar 15, 2005 00:28


All my housemates from USC are up visiting over Spring Break and today we went to SF and did a lot of really cool stuff. Normally this would have been a completely separate LJ update on its own, but I won't talk about it now because I have a different story to tell.

So we go to China Town and among other things, I buy a Ninja Grappling Hook for myself and I also bought one for Dan Finlay (Justin threw in $5 on it too) because Dan's being saying for as long as I've known him he wanted one. So I got it for him. Fast forward to the evening. Chess club was going on at Matt Dostal's house. So Jeff wanted to come so he could play chess against people (he was the 7-9th grade 8th place overall national finalist when he was in middle school! Impressive!). So this is where the story picks up.

So we had been there maybe 40 minutes and it's like 10:30 and Dan shows up and Justin and I decide to go get him his present which was in the car. The car was parked just around the corner from Matt Dostal's house. So we go to it and just as we round the corner there's a cop who starts shinning his dickhead light in our eyes.

And just as we were about to get it from the car he starts asking us questions about like who we were and where we were coming from and where we were going. And he told ust here had been a break in at the house that my car was in front of. And we were just like "We were playing Chess at a friend's house, and I'm taking Justin home because we're neighbors."

Then out of nowhere he asks us for ID just as THREE more fucking cop cars pull up. And then they ALL start asking us questions. And they take our IDs and start copying down information from them and asking me for more contact information, asking me why I was home from school, all this stupid shit. They're being total cop dickheads, yelling at us to keep our hands out of our pockets, etc...

SOOOO. Then they pat us down, and this is where the story gets good:

Then they said that because we had been in the area of a crime they needed to detain us until they could investigate. And then they told us that "detain" meant put us in hand cuffs behind our back and put us each in the back of separate cop cars for 20 minutes while they "investigated" the crime. So this dick puts me in the back of the cop car and tells me not to move around or else the handcuffs will tighten on me and it'll hurt me so I shouldn't struggle. Yeah, like I was going to fucking struggle. But the back seats of these cars are so small and plastic and hard I couldn't get my feet in so he just told me to back up. He asked me if I had ever been in the back of a cop car. And I told him no. So then we get the quote of the night when he tells me "Yeah, well, we don't make these back seats to be comfortable so you'll have to get used to it." Fucking dick.

So we sit there for hella long in the back of the cars and finally they let us out and say "I'm sure you understand, we have to take precautions." And I asked if they had found them, and he said no. So it's not like there was any fucking reason they should have had us there in the first place if there wasn't any reason they found new to let us go. So fuck them.

So I had to take Justin home because we had told them we were taking Justin home and we sat in his garage until they left and I was finally able to go back (taking Justin to his car there) and give Dan the Grappling Hook and pick up Jeff. I'm just glad they didn't ask to search my car because I had the Grappling Hook I had bought for myself all of the back seat, which would have looked great because they had said the call had come because people were jumping over fences. Great coincidence. BAH!

That's my great fucking story. Since when does "detain" mean "cuffed and in the back of a police car" you fucking assholes.

Whatever. I'm going to bed.
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