Jun 23, 2003 20:02
no more retail work till thursday, thank jeebus. at least this week's check will be kind of nice. i never have anything to show for it though, oh well. i am looking forward to this time off. when i got home from work today, Angel Heart was on some movie channel!!! i can never find that movie at any rental place, so i was all excited about watching it. but i missed more than half, but it comes on again at 2:45am and of course i will be up, so i'm going to record it. haha i wonder what kind of lovely dreams i'll get from watching a voodoo movie at 3 am. maybe it will be like when i stayed up until 4 watching cast a deadly spell haha.
summer always brings the itch for new things (or new used things). my ebay and tattoo itch in particular are driving me crazy. the new piece is in the process of being drawn, it is one i am willing to wait on to make sure it is as meaningful as possible. i dont know whats up with this thing of people getting an entire sleeve or a fucking backpiece as their first tattoo in only a few sessions....wheres the meaning, the history behind it?
annnnyyyway, i wonder how much these motorhead tickets cost. if it is sold out i will cry. seriously. i think i'm going to miss heavy rebel :(. i really just wanted to see the brimstones play because i've never seen them live and i've heard its a great show...i would pay the cover price just to see them that one night but i dont know if i'll make it.
i played with some of bobby's clay to sort of see how the day of the dead figurines are gonna work out. i started making a mermaid one. i'm going to pick up some sculpey and some little acrylic paint jars this week i think, i'm so excited! next mission: sewing machine.
ok my mind is too scattered to keep going, but i'll be back later. time for blackberry cobbler nam nam