Jan 07, 2011 08:40
My dream started off that I was in some sort of culture type thing. There were tens of thousands of people in this culture, and it had it's own religion and method of teaching and all this stuff that I didn't agree with. The leaders of this culture were very very mean and evil and whatever. I wanted to leave, but the only problem was I wasn't allowed and it was very heavily secured. Nobody was allowed to leave ever! So I worked up this plan to sneak out of my room and escape through a hole in the fence and hide in the forest that was across the street from the fence. I managed to do this and when I got to the forest, most of it was taken up by this big house. I went in and nobody was home, so I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up, the founders of this whole culture thing were there, and apparently this was their house. They claimed to not recognize me though, and they treated me just like a weary traveler who had been passing by, and they invited me to stay for Christmas dinner. I accepted, but then I overheard them talking about taking me back to the culture and punishing me for escaping, so I started to run but there were people blocking me at every exit. Eventually I ran into this one guy (I guess he was an uncle or something) and he was like "I don't like being part of this culture any more than you do" so I said "Come with me!" so he let me escape and we took his car together and drove and drove and drove as far as we could until we hit a tree. The tree was on the property of a house that belonged to two families - one rich white family, and one poor Indian family. They invited us to stay for Christmas dinner while the car was in the shop for repair. The white family serenaded us with music. Then I woke up.