This is the New friends only post
if you have seen this page before and woundering what haponed to the old one
well i got rid of it in place of this one
the back date is something spechel to me if you want to know what it is perhaps one day i migth tell you (just ask)
i could go on why this is friends only but i will just tell you this
i do get alot of requests to add people
i love to meet new people however i am very warry of who people really are
i will check you out before adding you
don't add me just to make your friends list larger
i love to comment and talk to friends i love to post things for friends and most of all make people laugh
all posting to this post is screened
if i don't add you back its nothing personal it could be anything and sorry
if you don't tell me you added me then i won't add you back cause i won't know you added me
if i am useing an icon or banner of yours and forgot to or the credit got eraced first i am sorry and second please tell me right away that i am doing that so i can fix it
thank you and have a nice day and now the first of meany friends only banners i think i ll put here