10000 paths poem

Oct 22, 2009 06:30

Ten Thousand Paths

Ten thousand paths may lead to God,
What right is mine to say
That he who fails to walk with me
Has missed the only way?

What right of mine to abrogate?
Such grasp of finite mind
And boast, while others vainly seek
The God I seek, and find?

How could the God I love and trust
Point out to only me
The way which travel, all men must
Or die eternally?

I’m not so wise that He denies
The light to all save me,
While other hearts as true as mine
He loves with less degree.

So, if the path we tread should lead
Where bright cathedrals rise,
Or weathered church, or rustic shrine
Point upward to the skies;

Each sincere traveller will arrive
Where lights of welcome shine,
And myriads will be there who walked
A diff’rent path than mine.

Tom Q. Ellis
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