
Dec 13, 2009 14:27

On the last real class of Spanish, we had to do skits. Those guys, Jason and Joe, who I kind of like and we've got along before and practicing Spanish, I was in their group. Our skit was the fruitest magic trick ever but it was fun. I was the lovely assistant, Joe was Joel, el Gran the Magician, and Jason was the audience member with the man-crush on Joe, el Gran. LOL

Dad: Guess what Santa left
Me: *half-asleep* Mer?
Dad: The new computer
Me: O_O

The long story short is my Mom through Medicorp got a desktop computer. She put a deposit on it and has to pay the rest of it. Don't ask me. I don't know the exact deal.
Actually, its kind of like a Compy Compe . It's all matte black and sleek and sexy. I had to put most of it together myself. And it has a flat screen!
And its the first time I experienced Windows 7...and its awesome! The background I put on it is some "Yellow Submarine"-inspired thing and I set up the sound scheme as Indian music noises so everytime I click on something, it makes a sitar twang. George Harrison and Ravi Shankar are sitting lotus-style in my computer! :D
Well, its not really MY computer. It's for the boys and the Lappy is mine. >_>
Oh yeah, and I need to figure out how to make the wireless router work.

Of course, I had some trouble setting it up so that it was connected to the Internet. I had to call Dell AND Cox. >_<
Plus side: Youtube works :D


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