
Nov 24, 2009 12:11

I just realized something. Well, not JUST realized.

I've noticed that a lot of the early Beatles material (both the covers and the stuff they wrote) involve crying or heartbreak
-I'll Cry Instead (original)
-Misery (cover)
-So How Come No One Loves Me? (cover)
-Crying, Waiting, Hoping (cover)
-Not a Second Time (original)
-I Just Don't Understand (cover)
And the Rolling Stones hardly have any songs like that, either covered or originally composed. Oh sure, "She's a Rainbow" and "Ruby Tuesday" are about girls, but the speaker doesn't say he's in love with her, she's just a girl. I think that might be where the crux of the Beatles vs. Stones, the good guys and the bad boys, came from:

Typical Beatle song: I love you, you love me. We love each other. You don't love me anymore. I'm going to cry over you.
Typical Stones song: They way she dances makes me want to shag her standing up

Now...that's a vast oversimplification.
The Beatles have written songs that don't follow their model ("Another Girl", the latter verses of "I'll Cry Instead", "I Want You (She's So Heavy)") and the Stones haven't either (..."She Smiled Sweetly" I'm drawing a bit of a blank O_o) but when they do stray from their set formula, it doesn't sound...genuine. Like "'ll break hearts...:P"
Maybe that's why early on I had such a hard time imagining the Beatles having a ton of groupies or just having sex in general. "But...They're so SWEET and NICE! :O"
You aren't surprised when you hear that about the Stones ;)

Heh, I wish this was more...substantive but I didn't really prepare my argument. Plus it was unbiased as hell. "The Beatles are versatile, the Stones just like to write songs about sex, drugs and bleak things."
Seriously! Everytime I listen to my Stones records, I either want to sleep or lit a joint. When I listen to the Beatles, I just get this happy, fluttery feeling in my heart and soul.
But...I'm not saying I don't like the Stones, I them in a different way. I like them platonically. :)

the beatles, the rolling stones

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