"Shut Up and Get To The Killing!"*

Jul 12, 2009 19:11

I'm on a kind of unofficial (if I had made some custom T-shirts for me and Angus, THEN it'd be official) hunt for good horror movies. It seems like a weird transition but I've always sort of had dreams (or nightmares) about things I'd either seen when I was too young to figure out or made up. It gave me a REALLY weird feeling when I dreamed up my own made-up horror movie starring a younger Tom Cruise.

Me: Mom, has Tom Cruise ever been in a horror movie when he was younger?
Mom: I don't think so. O_o
Me: Oh...(feels stupid)

The other kind was stuff I'd had glommed from stuff that I probably wasn't supposed to be watching. One dream I had that involved a guy who ate people (including his family) and kept the unused portions in Tupperware containers in his fridge I'm PRETTY sure I had picked up from an episode of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

Now that I'm older and somewhat wiser now, most of the scariness isn't so scary and getting a sick thrill at watching stupid teenagers get killed. ^_^;
That being said, my folks had semi-regularly rented horror movies from Blockbuster after I sort of asked them what some good ones are.
I holding a lot of the horror movies at an standard with "Candyman" being the scariest. The slim pickings at Blockbuster haven't surpassed that standard. Maybe I'm growing skepticism...or me and Angus riff on the movies so much, we aren't that scared of 'em. He does come up with some zingers, though.

I'd make a list but I'd need the DVDs in front of me but a lot of the DVDs are returned to the video store. I will say this, though: The Friday the 13th remake is not worth seeing. It is boring. It isn't even worth watching those dummies get murdered. Worse of all: No "jason-jason-jason...kill-kill-kill" noise! FAIL!

The latest view was this Friday when we watched "Interview with a Vampire".
Funniest thing Angus said: (besides saying Louis and Lestat were "17th century pimps")
(the part when Louis finds Claudia and that other woman turned to ash in the dungeon and they crumble)
Louis: *standing with some ashes in his luxuriant locks*
Angus: (as Louis) Damn, I got ashes in my perm!

I was ROFLing at that XD

The other day I thinking about what it'd be like if...there was a Beatles horror movie. I don't care if it was the fakest horror movie ever made EVER...I'd scream my head off. With joy. Hell, I don't know. I would be split between
"OMG! They killed Paul! *sob sob sob*"
"DUDE! He got stabbed...with his own drumstick! *punches the air* :D"
There are so many horror movie plots that I could easily replace "group of teenagers" with "The Beatles..and maybe the Stones" 'cuz its usually more than 4 but around 6 people in those situations. Right?
I'm rambling. Obviously. XD

* A phrase my Mom usually says when we're watching a scary movie. XD

horror movies, the beatles, movies, lol

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