Jun 28, 2009 16:17

I had a distressing dream. I dreamed I was Paul McCartney his body. I was played at a concert but I didn't know how to play bass or how to sing. I was controlling his body but I didn't know anything about playing bass or singing. It was like playing "Guitar Hero" for the first time and I couldn't start or retry. Of course, it didn't matter because the audience was screaming so loud, it covered up my mistakes.

It took place in some auditorium and it was decorated with Christmas decorations.

And I think at some point we tried to play "Twist and Shout" but it came out as "Do You Love Me?" by the Contours. (...look it up, you know you've heard of it). Dunno how that happened. :/

Then when I got on the computer and looked at the "Please Please Me" album cover, it looked like the Beatles were moving ever so subtly like a wizard picture. O_o

I shouldn't read "Magical Mystery Tours" by Tony Bramwell before bed. O_o

Meme from beatlemaniac90 
1. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
I have a lot of favorites but the very favorite is Cherry Garcia. The runner up is Americone Dream
2. Would you rather have ice cream or frozen yogurt?
Ice cream
3. If you could have a 5 day vacation anywhere, where would it be?
L.A. I thought about England but Idk. I would like to see all the landmarks like the Whiskey a Go-Go and Laurel Canyon.
4. What is your favorite song?
"Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" by the Beatles. That's my default answer :P
5. If you could date any member of Monty Python, who would it be?

the beatles, weird, meme, dreams, what i'm reading, magical mystery tours

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