Well, I'm out of minutes. Only like...3 cents left on my cell. :(
So I guess all the tests and quizzes I had to make up are...done? In Geometry, I thought I had to make up a quiz but it turns out I already did it and the same thing with Advanced US/VA History. Just...odd. O_o
I've been practicing the chords to "Bastille Day", just the beginning. I'm not on the chorus yet. Um so yeah. It goes E, then G, C, D, A D. Plus "Used to Love Her" by Guns N' Roses which goes D, A, C, then D again. Why am I putting all this down, you say? Well, I feel like I'll have another lapse in my practicing and I'll forget how it goes...AGAIN. I honestly think out of me and Angus, he has the 'knack' for it, I don't really. Like he wants to get famous and I kind of do too, but I'm not....ambitious. I mean, I want to be like Jimmy Page and he wants to be like Zakk Wylde. It's THAT kind of contrast.
Watched "High Fidelity". I usually catch it when its half-over and I got to see most of the beginning but still missed the first 14 minutes. Poop-sicle. But John Cusack and Jack Black=made of awesome. I think my Dad suggested that John Cusack, James Spader, and Andrew McCarthy would be good in a movie together and I'm mentally working on a fanscript for them. :D
Oh and as a post script, the trailer to the upcoming "Speed Racer" movie.
Click to view
One more day and I get see Eric! :D *hyperventilates*
Post post script, note to self. Make master list of possible band names.