[State of the Kon.]

Aug 22, 2008 22:38

Cut and pasted to all my character journals! --22cnd August 2007 (Wednesday).

Kon-El (Superboy): _superdork_
Minagawa Hifumi: voodoochef
Clark Kent: saaaaaaave_me
Robin: its_the_mask
Will Stanton: goodwillrising

Player Status:
Mid-term break! Off hiatus, but I still have a ton of work. I'll probably be attempting an RP-diet again, studying in the morning, playing in the afternoon. However, last time didn't work out so well. My most productive time is in the morning, early afternoon, so breaking about 11 for a few hours of RP really disrupted my study vibe. This time round I'm going to try and study from 6:00 am - 2-3:00 pm, and be around to RP after that. I'll also be having library days when I just stay in the Uni library for better focus.

What this means for you:
I'll be actively threading more often and about on g-chat and IRC after 3:00pm NZ time (which I think works out at 11 pm EST. Which ... pretty much sucks for any of your Americans with jobs). However, I am available to play outside those times, providing you get in touch with me beforehand. Best way to contact me is via g-mail (saaaaaaaveme@gmail.com). Note -- some of you guys will remember when dorksuper was my main gchat identity. I still use the dorksuper gmail address, but it is used solely for Kon's comment notifications. Having two gchat programmes open at the same time was inconvenient, so dorksuper is pretty much permanently signed out of gchat.

OOC contact.
gchat: YES. saaaaaaaveme@gmail.com
e-mail: YES. saaaaaaaaveme@gmail.com
IRC: Not the best method of contacting me -- my programme is temperamental and I don't always get alerts. Most commonly on as Kon, but my nicks include Clark, OtherRobin, and Minagawa.
Skype: :D?


I've never really filled out a permission meme. That's because my comfort levels and my characters ability to cope will be different on any given day, and I'm not sure how helpful it would be. If a situation you comes up and it looks like violence/camp effect/trauma is forthcoming, CONTACT ME. If you've got a brilliant idea for an impromptu body-swap CONTACT ME. Please. I promise I'm not scary. I'd just prefer to take these things on a case by case basis. Due to some OOC issues, there will be days when I just won't feel up to anything complicated, you see, and I'd rather be able to tell you that at the start rather than have to halt a thread halfway through because I'm not doing a good job with it.

That said, rough guide:

Kon: Anything but death. Get in contact with me though because he has funky TTK that may or may not have any effect on your characters powers -- it's a really tricky one to define.
Minagawa: No -- Minagawa's too clever to get himself into a situation where he could get hurt. Unless it's for Jason ♥ Jason.
Clark: No death.
Robin: Definitely no death, and no serious injuries please unless I've okayed it.
Will: I'm taking it slowly right now while I get used to him, but Will can't be killed, so have at it (and man, do I feel like the meanest person alive for saying that).

Kon: You can get surface thoughts, Kon can put up an average shield if he tries/is aware that someone is prying. With a bit of pushing, you can probably take anything you like but Kon would not be happy at all. If the other person is psychically capable, Kon can project his thoughts to have a mind-to-mind conversation.
Minagawa: Vaguely ominous aura.
Clark: Complete psychic blank! You cannot pick up anything.
Robin: Well ordered mind, surface thoughts mostly concerned with thoughts of his friends, what he's doing at the time. No psychic defences, but a lot of tightly buried memories.
Will: Is aware when his thoughts are being read, can return the favour. Can talk mind-to-mind.

Kon, Minagawa, Clark: Generally okay with hugging, kissing, groping etc.
Robin: 15. Canon has him holding hands with, hugging and kissing Starfire (but all of these have the status of REALLY BIG DEALS), hi-fiving his team-mates, putting a hand on someone's arm and I'd prefer it not to go beyond this at present. Head-petting or tugging his hair is A-OK. Groping him is a huge no.
Will: I don't imagine this will ever come up, but 12 year old. Nothing sexual at all, please.

All of mine are available to be called on to help intervene in an emergency -- and please make use of them! They love to feel useful. Kon and Robin especially. I give more details in Tamaki's mafia meme, but quickly, what my boys can bring to the party:
Kon: SUPER POWERS and his unique perspective on events.
Minagawa: Voodoo and calming herbal tea.
Clark: SUPER POWERS and obliviousness.
Robin: Bird-a-rangs, rope, common-sense.
Will: Ability to pull things/people out of time.

Anything else anyone'd like me to add to this? It's for your benefit after all.
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